
snow resistance Learn more about snow resistance

  • Snow resistance, frost resistance and post-snow management measures for Lindt seedlings and flowers

    Snow resistance, frost resistance and post-snow management measures for Lindt seedlings and flowers

    Snow resistance, frost resistance and post-snow management measures for Lindt seedlings and flowers

  • How to raise the thin snow evergreen grass? How is the cold resistance?

    How to raise the thin snow evergreen grass? How is the cold resistance?

    Tender leaves with haze, Fangke Zhen Huifeng such a beautiful poem, describes our protagonist Bo Xuewan grass today. So how to raise the thin snow evergreen grass? How is the cold tolerance of thin snow perennial grass? The following editor will tell you one by one, how to raise the thin snow ten thousand years of grass.

    2020-11-09 Thin snow ten thousand years grass how raise cold resistance ability tender leaves
  • Technical measures for snow prevention and frost resistance of flower seedlings in winter

    Technical measures for snow prevention and frost resistance of flower seedlings in winter

    Technical measures for snow prevention and frost resistance of flower seedlings in winter

  • Pictures of June snow in Phnom Penh how to cultivate June snow in Phnom Penh

    Pictures of June snow in Phnom Penh how to cultivate June snow in Phnom Penh

    June snow in Phnom Penh, the name is very literary and artistic. June snow in Phnom Penh is a cultivated variety of Rubiaceae. It is originally from the provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. Like the sun, but also more shade-tolerant, more cold-resistant, strong drought tolerance, lax requirements on the soil, growing well in fertile, moist acid soil. June snow in Phnom Penh is usually propagated by cuttings.

  • Planting and cultivation techniques of Snow Wheel of Sakura

    Planting and cultivation techniques of Snow Wheel of Sakura

    Plant name: Cerambycidae: Caryophyllaceae, Muscovaceae. The cherry snow wheel is herbaceous in 2012. Originated along the Mediterranean coast, like light, semi-overcast, cold-resistant, not resistant to high temperature and drought, like loose, well-drained neutral to alkaline soil. Propagation and cultivation: sowing in autumn or early spring, germination temperature 15 ℃-20 ℃

  • What are the common diseases and insect pests in June snow? How to carry out prevention and control?

    What are the common diseases and insect pests in June snow? How to carry out prevention and control?

    The main results are as follows: (1) the disease is caused by Pythium and ultimate Pythium in fungi. it is a seedling disease which seriously threatens the growth of snow in June. Waterlogged disease spots began to appear at the base of the stem of the injured seedlings, then turned brown and sunken and atrophied, and then the diseased part quickly revolved around the stem, making the seedlings quenched. Finally, the diseased seedlings rotted and withered.

  • Non-genetically modified crops are not afraid of cold minority crops have great potential

    Non-genetically modified crops are not afraid of cold minority crops have great potential

    Non-genetically modified crops are not afraid of cold minority crops have great potential

  • The culture method of snow drop flower

    The culture method of snow drop flower

    1. Light snow flowers do not require high light, in spring, autumn and winter, we should often let the sun shine directly, and the high temperature in summer needs a small amount of shade to facilitate plant growth. two。 Temperature snow drop flower growth suitable temperature is 15-28 ℃, more cold-resistant, but not heat-resistant, summer should pay attention to cooling

  • A brief introduction to two breeding methods of June snow

    A brief introduction to two breeding methods of June snow

    If June snow is raised well, it is very beautiful after flowering. Some friends want to breed June snow on their own after raising June snow. In fact, June snow, which is not difficult to cultivate, is not very difficult to breed. Generally speaking, the propagation methods of June snow can be divided into two methods: cutting and ramet.

  • How does Snow White reproduce evergreen?

    How does Snow White reproduce evergreen?

    1. The initial care is the peak growth period of Snow White from March to August every year, so it is necessary to water more and keep it moist. Water should be sprinkled frequently when dry in summer to increase air humidity. And during the growing season, Snow White also needs to fertilize water, once every two weeks. two。 Rizhao Snow White likes bright places and keeps them airy.

  • New product introduction-snow white celery

    New product introduction-snow white celery

    The following varieties are selected and developed by Sichuan Zidu seed Industry Co., Ltd. Characteristic characteristics of Xuebai celery this variety is a new generation variety selected by single plant after many years of population mixing, and its quality, disease resistance and high yield are better than other similar varieties, and the plant height can reach 70 cm. The leaves are green and fat, the petiole is broad and thick, solid, deep grooves, snow-white crystal clear, taste crisp and tender, strong aroma. Heat-resistant and cold-resistant, fast growth, strong growth, can be cultivated in the four seasons. With "unique snow-white crystal clear, rich fragrance" deep

  • Can June snow in Phnom Penh make bonsai? Culture skills of snow bonsai in June in Phnom Penh

    Can June snow in Phnom Penh make bonsai? Culture skills of snow bonsai in June in Phnom Penh

    June snow in Phnom Penh belongs to small shrubs, and most people are used for potted plants or garden planting. In fact, it is a very good bonsai plant. If you are interested, you can learn about it with the editor.

  • Breeding method of June snow (Gypsophila paniculata)

    Breeding method of June snow (Gypsophila paniculata)

    June snow is also called Gypsophila paniculata, white horse bone, broken leaf holly and so on. Because in June and named white flowers, pure white color, very beautiful, green leaves with Phnom Penh, ornamental extremely high. Distribution in Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places, Japan

    2020-11-09 June snow Gypsophila paniculata cultivation method also called
  • Maintenance of snow in June

    Maintenance of snow in June

    After the end of cutting, the maintenance in the later stage is also very important. In the early days, the cuttings are afraid of being exposed to the sun, so we have to build a shed to shade it in time, and then pay attention to watering so that the matrix is moist all the time, so as to make it easier for the cuttings to survive. Wait until the insert survives.

  • Snow lotus, which is especially suitable for cultivation in cool autumn, looks like it is covered with frost.

    Snow lotus, which is especially suitable for cultivation in cool autumn, looks like it is covered with frost.

    If you want to plant some lovely plants in autumn, snow lotus is a good choice. it likes more light, is very resistant to drought, likes a cool environment, can grow well on balconies and balconies, and you can also plant it.

  • How does Snow White raise evergreen?

    How does Snow White raise evergreen?

    1. Light management Snow White evergreen likes bright and ventilated environment, the light is controlled at 15000-20000Lx in spring, shade should be paid attention to in summer, and all-day light can be lit all day in autumn and winter. If the sun is too strong, the leaves will turn yellow, affecting the ornamental effect.

  • Matters needing attention in sowing and propagation of dwarf snow wheel

    Matters needing attention in sowing and propagation of dwarf snow wheel

    The cultivation varieties of Dwarf Snow Wheel are more, and the flowers are colorful, which are loved by many flower friends. Dwarf snow wheel flower is small, the group ornamental effect is better, often make ground cover plant. Artificial breeding dwarf snow wheel can be sowed, so what problems should artificial sowing dwarf snow wheel pay attention to?

  • What is the reason why the snow leaves turn yellow in June

    What is the reason why the snow leaves turn yellow in June

    There are many reasons for the yellowing of snow leaves in June, and the situation of each flower friend is also different, so this article tries to be comprehensive, so that flower friends can refer more, learn more, and observe more of their own actual situation of June snow, and then take the best solution.

  • How to shape and trim the snow bonsai in June?

    How to shape and trim the snow bonsai in June?

    June snow is also known as the big star, the leaves are small, white flowers bloom in summer, hence the name June snow. The bonsai made of snow in June shows its roots and claws, clear and elegant, changeable posture and peculiar charm. June snow branches are soft, easy to tie the shape, young trees can make miniature bonsai. Making large and medium-sized bonsai in the south, most of them go to the mountains to dig old piles.

  • The growth advantage of June snow

    The growth advantage of June snow

    June flowers, from a distance, such as silver-clad, like June snow, elegant and lovely, hence the name, June snow likes light shade, fear of yang, general growth under the mountain or trees.
